OUr Lutheran Confessions

The Book of Concord (sometimes called Concordia) is the collection of historical documents that describe the standard of Lutheran doctrine. Each of the 10 documents was authored in response to a need identified. In some cases the need was education (such as the Small Catechism), others were authored to address a controversy or theological error that needed correction.

The Book of Concord includes:
  • Three Ecumenical Creeds
  • Augsburg Confession
  • Defense of the Augsburg Confession
  • Smalcald Articles
  • Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope
  • Small Catechism
  • Large Catechism
  • Epitome of the Formula of Concord
  • The Formula of Concord
  • Catalog of Testimonies

Our current study will focus on the Augsburg Confession.

There are several different translations of the Book of Concord. I will use the edition edited by Kolb and  Wengert but you are welcome to use any edition. There is a free version available online
Week 1 - June 27
The first week of our study will provide an overview of the Book of Concord.  The goal of this session will be to orient us to the book so we are comfortable using it and reading it.

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This is an historical book but it's also a theological book. It is historical because each document was written to address a need in the church at the time it was written. The documents were written in the 16th Century, more than 100 years before the beginning of the Enlightenment. We will talk about what this means for our own reading of these documents.

It is a theological book because it addresses theological issues. These issues are often addressed in the context of a controversy or disagreement. This is valuable to help us understand why some theological statements are written as they are.

Some of the controversies were connected to conflicts with the Roman Catholic Church. Historically, these documents were written at a time when the RC church was very different than it is today.

Our goal in studying these documents is to learn about Lutheran Theology as it was articulated in the 16th century, how it addresses our theological questions today, and how we think theologically.

Week 2 - July 11
For our second session we will begin our deep dive into the Augsburg Confession. The first part of our exploration will begin with Articles I - XX (1-20). Try to read these articles before our session so you can participate in the discussion and ask any questions you may have. 

Week 3 - July 25
Week 3 will continue our discussion of the Augsburg Confession
Week 4 - Aug 1
Week 4 will continue our discussion of the Augsburg Confession
Week 5 - Aug 8
Week 5 will continue our discussion of the Augsburg Confession
Week 6 - Aug 15
Week 6 will continue our discussion of the Augsburg Confession